Here is a DISPLAY of all your presentations on COMMERCIALS. Go through them again and state the 3 MAIN techniques used in all.
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The techiniques more use are glittering generalities , plain folks and card stacking.
This three techiniques help to sell the product. Glittering generalities use atractive Words or phrases that may have an specially impact for example in the propaganda of the kangoo now you have something to wear.
Plain folks use ordinary people to make you feel that the product is good for everyone. For example in the propaganda of Heineken when men were shouting and happy because a friend have refrigerator with a lot of beers in his closet, here we see that you don`t have to be a famous to taste a beer.
And the last more use is card staking, it tells the half true; only shows the good part of the product. For example in the propaganda that is about coca cola zero when shows that if you drink coca cola you bécame a hero and have a beautiful girl with you.
Watching all these commercials I can say that the three most used techniques are:
First of all, the Plain Folks technique. Although we daily see well known personalities advertising many products, this technique is surely more useful because by using ordinary people, these ads create in the viewer feelings of trust and confidence, making them realise that you can still get what you want by just being yourself, without being a superstar but just one from the whole.
Secondly, we have the use of Humour. Most of these ads use funny situations so as to get the viewer´s sympathy towards their products, and let them be liked by consumers. Also sometimes people feel identified with these sitations shown, like the case of Andes beer ad. So we can apreciate how using humour advertisers build positive feeling about certain products.
Finally, there is a strong work with human desires, such as the desires of men to have beautiful women (Coca-Cola zero commercial), or the desire of men to enjoy time with friends without caring of girlfriends and wives (Andes beer commercial), or also the typical desire for men to have their fridges filled with beer and women to have big dressers full of expensive and luxury clothes (Heineken beer commercial). These are some desires most people have, reason for what advertisers try to make them think these desires are possible by simply getting their products.
The three techniques used here are:
PLAIN FOLKS: Here ordinary people are shown in the commercials. It is to make people that watch it feel that they do not have to be celebrities to have the product offered. An example could be the commercial of Coca Cola zero were the two guys are ordinary people as the same as the first woman. The second is ordinary too although she is shown as a celebrity, for the way she enters to the supermarket.
GLITTERING GENERALITIES: Where words and phrases, that may have different meanings for each person, appeared in the commercial. As it is in the one of Sprite were it says “the things as they are”. This phrase could be understood in different ways.
CARD STACKING: This technique is used when the companies tell the views through the commercial half truth about the product. For example in the commercial of the beer, Heinecken never tell what would happened if the beer is drunken in a big amount.