Persepolis TRAILER: Food for THOUGHT

Have you seen the trailer on the movie yet??? 
Here it goes!!!  

DO you DARE discuss / list the main points touched on the
selected scenes???

Now  CLASS, this is your task:
Every one is expected to make ONE COMMENT - based on the events presented in the trailer -in a way to tell the content of Persepolis in a LINEAR FASHION , i.e. each one of you is going to write ONE statement (or 2- maximum) about the STORYLINE shown in the trailer, giving way to the next student to CONTINUE with it.
NOTICE you need to be careful about how to KEEP TRACK with the previous content to make this text COHERENT & MEANINGFUL. In other words, you should just WRITE a piece of text which makes sense and continues with the content that has already been  presented. I´ll make the first one for you... who DARES FOLLOW?????

(Click on the COMMENTS button above!!!!)

7 Response to "Persepolis TRAILER: Food for THOUGHT"

  1. Ceci Gal says:

    This trailer begins with a situation which presents Marji as an adolescent going through moments of extreme difficulty and pain, which she has to face in her short - but extremely eventful -life: leaving her country - and family - at fourteen.

  2. Nati says:

    Moments that Marjane had to go through is leaving her country and family at fourteen, and shows how strong and mature is Marji. Because it must have been difficult for her to take care of herself in a completly different country with a really different culture.
    (The trailer present the images that Marjane have to go through since she was a little girl. I think that the trailer is based specially in the politics theme, about the revolution and the war)

  3. Katu... says:

    ... The trailer continues with a flashback of the years spend on Iran, it's a group of images that represent very important moments for example when she was caught buying forbidden things or the moment where her uncle appears and the Shah is overthrown.

  4. Mariana Baricco says:

    This trailar begun with Marji asking for coming back! That show how hard was Marji's life on another cuntry, far form her family and culture.
    Then there is a flashback, and we see her life on Iran, her school, her family, how she buy iliggal things! But for me the most important is when her uncle appeared, I remember that Marji wants a hero on her family, but then she realize taht for being a hero in her country he must died!

  5. Lucas Maldonado says:

    ....After her uncle dies fighting for liberty, she stars asimilating the western culture. she likes punk and pop idols like michael jackson and kim wilde. in the trailer she appears wearing jackets and a michael jackson´s pin. she buys illegal things like tapes, the she arrives home and she see how the bombs have destroyed the neighborhood.....

  6. Tomas says:

    The memmories from her childhood continues with the beggining of the fundamentalist goverment and the war with Iraq after the islamic revolution . Both situations of conflict make Majane´s life harder with the use of the veil and the devalued of women. The education was controled by the fundamentalist, so there were no mixt schools anymore...

  7. Unknown says:

    All the moments it shows are important and relevant. How the political changes can interfere in her life; seeing the people she loved being in danger with the new goverment. All the scenes shown, are part of her grown up. They also help her to be more mature in some way. Anahi


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